I. Overview
Courseware is designed to easily integrate with Learning Management Systems such as Blackboard using a “Web Link” from within an existing Blackboard section. Using this approach allows for easy navigation through Blackboard and Courseware resources without the need for additional logins, as well as automatic registration of new users. This reference guide explains these features and how instructors can setup a “Web Link” in their section.
Single Sign-On
Single sign-on eliminates the need for multiple logins when Courseware is launched from a Blackboard section. Once a student or instructor logs into Blackboard and selects the Courseware link within their respective section, Courseware is automatically launched and the student or instructor is automatically logged in.
Auto-enrollment eliminates the need to manually create accounts and enrollments in Courseware. When a student or instructor launches Courseware for the first time, their account is automatically created and they are automatically enrolled.
II. Requirements / Before You Begin
Before setting up a Web Link, you must have the following:
Active Blackboard Section
- You must have an active Blackboard account with instructor-level privileges and an active section.
LoudCloud Courseware Link
Your LoudCloud Courseware class link is located on the Course Details page of your course: