Creating Quizzes
Creating a Quiz
You can create a new quiz in both the Repository (where you created your questions) or in the Learning Path. If you do it in the Repository, click on Assessment > Quiz and then Add New. This is the area right above Question Bank, where you created your questions. By creating it here, you will still need to add it to your path, so the students can take the quiz.
To create it in the Learning Path, make sure you are in Edit Mode and click on the “Add” icon in the Instructional Unit you want to include the quiz.

Once you are in the add assessment area, to create a new Quiz, click on “Quiz” and then “Author New” at the bottom.
You are required to include a Name for the assessment, questions, points for the questions, dates, time duration of the quiz, and grading settings. All other areas are optional.
- Name: be as descriptive as you can, so students will know what the assessment will include.
Now the quiz is separated into two tabs: Questions and Configurations. Let’s start off with the Questions tab first.

You will be able to draw a number of questions from the whole, or create pools by learning objectives or randomize all questions. On this screen, you can also determine the amount of points for each question. When you want to choose questions, you will click on “Add From” drop-down menu to pull from the Question Bank.
The bank of questions will appear and you will be able to filter them to narrow your search. Therefore; it is important to add learning objectives, meta tags or subject tags to questions, so the questions are easier to find. You will also be able to search by question type.

Once you choose the filters, then click on “Apply Filters.” This will allow you to see only these questions on the right-hand side. Once they come up, select the questions you want and “Add to Quiz.”
Now you have a few more options. By clicking on the settings icon to the right, you have the choice to group by all questions or by learning objectives. If you do it by all questions, then you can select so many from that set or just randomize all the questions. If you do it by learning objective, you can also choose from these pools. When you are done, click on “Apply.”

Make sure you add the point value of the questions.
If you are using pooling, you need to decide how many questions you will pull (this can be all the questions if you just them randomized – though you can do this if you want to use all the questions). You will need to put in the number of points for each question. If there are some that are the same, you can select them and assign points from the drop-down menu.
Now that you have added your questions and points, you can go over to the Configurations tab to finish building out your quiz.
- Name: add a name that is descriptive of the quiz
- Description: this area can provide additional information to the students on what they should expect.
- Meta Tags: allows you to include tags for the content you want to include. You will use comma to separate tags if you have more than one.

Within the course, you can add visibility dates to assessments. This allows you to determine when the students can view the content. In addition to visibility, you can also add attempt dates to assessments. To apply these to any assessment, when you expand the ‘Dates’ area you will see that the assessment is always visible, always attemptable, and it is added to the student’s calendar by default.
As you see by the red asterisk, Dates are mandatory. The default for dates is “Always Visible.” If you want to apply specific visibility dates, select “Visible From.”

You can also set a specific time for your date. The default is 00:00:00, which means the resource will open at midnight.
If you add a visibility date you will automatically need to add an attempt date. Along with an attempt date, which is the first date they can submit the assessment, you also have the ability to put a due date on it. This can be the end of the semester or on a specific date.
You can also allow for late submissions. The students will never see this information, but it will tell you and the student that they submitted it late. You can set it to the end of the semester (which is the default) or offset it by so many days.
Note: If you want to assign the same grade to all missed submissions, then you can do this after the due date if there is no late submissions or after the late submission date.
Students do not see the calendar in their view, so you can ignore the option to add to student calendar.

Settings allows you to determine how your students are going to take the quiz.
- Quiz Duration – do you want this quiz to be timed? If so, select the hours/minutes you want to give the students to take it.
- Break Mode – do you want to allow the students to save the quiz and resume it later? This may be okay for a non-timed or practice quiz.
- Questions per page – how many questions do you want to show per page before the students need to go to the next page? The default is one per page, this way the student can concentrate on one question at a time.
- Attempt(s) – how many times can a student take the quiz? If you allow multiple attempts, is it unlimited or a limited number? If limited, put how many times they can take the quiz.
- Proctoring – if you have a proctoring application integrated, you can use this option.
You can set if you want the student to see their grade (6), how you want the name to appear in the grade book, and how you want the grade to display (either score by raw score or percentage, letter grade, or both). If you use letter grade, you will need to determine your scheme. Make sure you go to the second decimal place while determining the ranges. A few things to remember, students don’t see the grade book nor can they see a letter grade. So, don’t worry about the checkbox for “Hide from Student in Gradebook.” Also, if you check letter grade, only you will see the letter grade.

Grading details (7) allows you to set how your students see their grade and responses and how you want to use it within your grade book.
- Exempt From: grades or achievements. If you make it practice, the students will be able to see how they are doing on their learning objectives, but it won’t be factored into their grade or achievement.
- Set Achievement Scale: you have two options On Learning Objectives or On Total Score.
- On Learning Objectives – this will allow you to put the value of each learning objective and can track how the student is doing with each one.
- On Total Score – this uses the full score of the assignment and places achievement level for each learning objective by the total instead of individually. This doesn’t allow the student to see granularly how they are doing on each objective that is aligned to the assignment.
- Determine the point value and the achievement level.
- Grade Category: you can put the assignment in a grade category. This will allow you to add a calculation to a calculated column.
- Grading Key: If you have a grading key for other assessors or to remind yourself what you want to grade you can upload it as a file.
- Review Options: the last settings you need to determine for a quiz is what do you want to release to the students once they have taken the quiz. You have four options:
- Viewing score
- Viewing whether they got it right or wrong – you can show this after the submission of the quiz or after each question attempted.
- Feedback – you can show this after the submission of the quiz or after each question attempted.
- Correct answer – you can show this after the submission of the quiz or after each question attempted.
NOTE: If you select “Yes” to any of these, you can do it after the quiz has been submitted, after each question has been answered or after the due date (this would be the end of the semester unless you placed a due date on the quiz).
When you are done with the settings, click “Save.”
NOTE: If you created the assignment in the Repository, then you will need to go to the Learning Path and, in edit mode, click on the add tool where you want to insert the assignment, click on assignment, select “Import From” and then “Content Repository.” You will find your assignment, select it, and then click on “Add.”