Authoring Questions
Creating a Question Bank
The question bank allows you to create questions and add them to a quiz. You can do this with the type of outcome or competency it is aligned to, or add the questions directly to a quiz. To get started, you need to create your questions first.
There are eleven question types:
Multiple Choice – Single Response – Stem with 2 or more responses and only one can be chosen.
Multiple Choice – Multiple Responses – Stem with 2 or more responses where more than one can be chosen.
Match the Columns – Two columns with matching answers in both columns. Must be equal columns.
Fill-in-the-Blank – Have at least one blank where someone must fill in the answer.
True / False – Stem with the answers being true or false.
Short Answer – Stem with a box for a short typed response. This is the only question that must be manually graded.
Numerical Question – Numbers being put into a formula in the stem and students needing to fill in the numeric answer.
Image Hot Spot – The stem has an image that has a specific area that students must choose.
Reading Comprehension – One reading with multiple questions referring to the reading. Can be any type of questions.
There are similar fields to create each type. This will be demonstrated through a Multiple Choice type question.
Creating Questions
To create a question, you MUST first be in Edit Mode and then in the Repository under Assessments > Question Bank.

To create any type of question, click on “Add New” within the Question Bank area. For all question types, you are required to determine the type of question, the stem of the question and the answers. All other areas are optional.
Title: be as descriptive as you can, so you can find this question later.
Type: choose the type of question you want to create.
Question: write the stem of the question. You will be able to add any formatting or media you need using the full WYSIWYG editor. You can also attach any type of file.
Meta Tags: allows you to include tags for the content you want to include. You will use a comma to separate the tags if you have more than one.
Partial Grading: you can provide partial grading by percentage
Answer: Depending on the question type, this area will change. For this example, you will be able to add as many answers and determine what the correct answer is by selecting it. You can also randomize the answers, so the students will see the answers in a different order.
When adding feedback to the question, you can decide when students will see it within the quiz. You can show them feedback after each question as the student is progressing through the quiz or after it has been submitted. There are three different ways to provide feedback depending on what type of question you create: general, correct/incorrect and specific.
All question types have general feedback. When you use general feedback, all student will receive it no matter how they answered the question. To do this, click in the box under “General Feedback” and the editor will appear. As with the stem of the question, you have the full WYSIWYG editor to include text, formatting, and media.

As stated above, you can also provide correct / incorrect response feedback. You have this option for question types that have a definite right or wrong answer. This allows you to be more specific if someone selects a right or wrong answer with your feedback. Only the feedback pertaining to the answer they select will appear. To add this, click within the box for the correct or incorrect response feedback area. As above, you have the full WYSIWYG editor to include text, formatting, and media.
You can also provide specific answer feedback. This gives you the most granularity of all three types of feedback. You will be able to give feedback for all the answers you provided. To do this, click on “Add Feedback.” Only the feedback pertaining to the actual answer that was chosen will appear. As with the other two types of feedback, you have the full WYSIWYG editor to include text, formatting, and media.

Make sure you save your question when you are done filling in the content of the question. You can now align the question to an outcome. To do this, from the main question bank page, find your question and click the drop-down menu to the right and select “Manage Learning Objectives.”
Select the (1) learning objective you want to align to the question and click (2) Save Changes.