Creating a Thin Cartridge for Blackboard

Login to the class for which you want to create a thin cartridge. Using the pencil icon, go into Edit mode. Once in Edit mode select Thin Cartridge from the top panel. 

Creating a Thin Cartridge: 

  1. Select Cartridge Type: Select the LMS for which the cartridge is being created 
  2. Every content item presented in the learning path will be displayed. Select the preferred 

content items to add to the cartridge. Search and filter options are provided on this 

page for ease of search. 

  1. Once you have selected all of the content for the cartridge, click “Proceed” 
  2. A preview will be provided of all the selected items. Click “Create & Download” 
  3. The cartridge will be saved to your computer. 

Every content item presented in the learning path will be displayed on the Thin Cartridge page 

Importing the cartridge in Blackboard 

  1. Log into the Blackboard course and module where you want to import the thin cartridge. 
  2. Go to the Packages and Utilities areas and select “Import Package/View Logs”. 
  3. On the Import Package/View Logs page select “Import Package” 
  1. Under Select a Package, click on “Browse by Computer” and locate the Thin Cartridge that you exported from LoudCloud. 

5.  You will prompted to select the content to import, choose “Select All” and click “Submit” 


  1. Depending on the size of your Thin Cartridge, it may take a few minutes to import. Once the import shows completed in the Import Package/View Logs area, go to the Content module where you did the import to view and access the Thin Cartridge links. Before moving the links to the appropriate modules, it is recommended that you launch the link to confirm that it brings you over to the appropriate resource. 

Some important pointers: 

  • Before importing a thin cartridge from Courseware to Blackboard make sure that LoudCloud Courseware is configured as an LTI app within the class or on the instance. 
  • If students have already attempted a LoudCloud assignment before the link has been set up in Blackboard, the student will need to access the newly created link in Blackboard to sync their grade to the Blackboard gradebook. 

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