Grade Sync with D2L Brightspace
When you decide you want to use Grade Sync to move your grades from Courseware to your D2L Brightspace course, you will need to create links from D2L to the assessment in Courseware. This is an important step, since students will need to click on the link in D2L to make the connection between the assessment that you want them to take and your D2L grade book.
Determine Placement in D2L
To get started, you first need to determine where you want the links to appear in D2L. You can put it in your course content, or you may want to create a Content Area for these assessments. For example, you may want to call the area Chapter Quizzes. You can add links from the Course Admin tab or Upload/Create from the Content path. This will all depend on how your institution has set up the D2L environment at your school.
Add Link in D2L
First click on Course Admin at the top and then click on Course Builder.